
UAE Projects of the 50: Brings To Light Up

UAE Projects of the 50: Brings To Light Up 

UAE Projects of the 50 include: 
- Everything from building investment sectors. 
- Inviting new talented people to call the UAE their home. 

The Emirates Development Bank Established By Diversifying The Economy 
The Emirates Development Bank assisting the Emirati efforts in key areas, set aside AED 5 billion. 

 The UAE Green Visa 
- Eligible highly-skilled professionals, investors, businessmen, top students and graduates will be allowed to sponsor themselves with the UAE Green Visa. 
- Offer several advantages, including the ability to sponsor family members. 

The Freelancer Visa 
The first federal visa for self-employed individuals, the freelancer visa, will be established. 

Advanced Technology Adoption 
- AED 5 billion will be earmarked for Tech Drive by promoting advanced technology adoption in the sector over a five-year period in collaboration with Emirates Development Bank. 

UAE Exports 
- By 10% annually, the 10 x 10 initiative seeks to boost UAE exports to ten global markets. 
- Ten global markets include China, the United Kingdom, Russia, Australia, the Netherlands, Italy, Poland, New Zealand, Indonesia and Luxemburg. 

Investment Opportunities 
- 14 economic organisations and investment-related municipal bodies. 
- Website, Invest.ae offers investment opportunities throughout the UAE and provide tools for companies as well as information on how to establish bank accounts. 

Local Purchase 
- 42% of the federal government and large UAE company purchases to local goods and services. 

1. To expand the number of local suppliers from 5,000 to 7,300. 
2. To raise procurement value from AED 33 billion to AED 55 billion over the next four years. 

 The Emirates Investment 
- The Emirates Investment Summit will bring together investment funds, government agencies, and the private sector to generate investment possibilities. 
- AED 550 billion in inbound foreign direct investment to the UAE during the next nine years. 
- Held in 2022. 

 National Businesses
- The Fourth Industrial Revolution Network seeks to strengthen 500 national businesses. 
- By using sophisticated technologies over the next five years. 

Economic Agreements 
- UAE negotiating comprehensive deals with eight key global markets along with Economic Partnership Agreements that span the globe. 

1. To boost yearly trade volume from AED 257 billion to AED 40 billion.
2. An Higher Committee for Economic Agreements has been created to oversee everything. 

Creation of Programming Businesses 
- The 100 Programmers Every Day project will raise the number of coders from 64,000 to 100,000 in a year through incentives and perks. 

 Data Privacy & Security 
- Empowering people to have more control over how their personal data is used, stored, and shared is going to be a priority from now on. 

UAE Data Law For Data Privacy & Security 
- Data Law is the first federal law written. 

Aim of UAE Data Law 
To keep people's personal information private. 

Encouraging Digital Talents 
The Middle East's largest programming conference, PyCon MEA, will take place in 2022. 

- To bring together programmers from the public and commercial sectors. 
- To foster digital talent and innovative programming initiatives. 

 ETCC: Emirati Talent Competitive Council 
- Headed by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Presidential Affairs, Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan as the chair. 
- Recently established council will manage the Nafis programme. 

Trainings For Various Schemes 
- Focuses on career development in order to retain individuals with a variety of cash rewards across a number of business sectors. 
- Done to help develop vocational training for Emiratis in private and semi-private businesses. 

 Various Retirement Programmes 
- Programmes allowing Emiratis working for the federal government. 
- To explore new business possibilities and retire prematurely to establish a new private sector company while keeping their full pension. 
- Individuals can also opt for a golden handshake payout of a lump-sum amount. 
- Limited numbers of workers will be allowed to participate in each programme annually. 
Jobless Due To Certain Factors
- 6-month term will be provided to Emiratis employed in the private sector who are forced to leave their employment due to circumstances beyond their control. 

United Arab Emirates Recruitments 
 - The private sector in the United Arab Emirates must employ at least 10% of Emirati workers over the next five years.

The Startup Programmes 
- Emiratis, with established jobs in the federal government, may now join two new programmes. 
- The Startup Break programme will commence in 2022.
- Offering Emiratis working for the Federal Government with 6 to 12 months paid career break to start a company. 

Salary Support 
- To incentivize private sector businesses to hire and educate new graduates. 
- UAE citizens would be given wage assistance of up to AED 8,000 each month for one year including five years of monthly assistance with up to AED 5,000. 

Loan For Students 
- To assist final-year university students and recent graduates in exploring new business ventures. 
- A fund of AED 1 billion will be set up to provide microloans to them. 

Merit Schemes 
- UAE has allocated up to AED 5,000 to all citizens' wages. 
- Applies only to employees in niche areas like accounting, finance, and law, such as auditors, attorneys, analysts, and programmers. 

Pension Schemes 
- Full Emirati employee contribution assistance for five years. 
- A five-year government-paid contribution on the company's behalf against the cost of pension plans for Emirati personnel, is mandated. 

Training For Career Development 
- AED 1.25 billion will be invested to strengthen Emirati specialised vocational skills in property management, accounting, and business management. 
- Done through globally recognised certificates. 

Healthcare Expansions 
-To create 10,000 Emirati healthcare professionals over the next five years. 
- Educational grant initiative will provide financial assistance to qualified students. -
- A graduate healthcare assistant programme, a higher diploma in emergency medicine, and a bachelor's degree in nursing offered as part of the program's expansion. 

Childcare Scheme & Benefits 
- UAE's first childcare allowance, the scheme provides a monthly grant to Emirati employees working in the private sector. 
- Up to AED 800 per child up to a maximum of AED 3,200 per month. 
- Assist with the costs of childcare until the child reaches the age of 21. 
- Scheme is funded by the UAE government. 

1. When is the UAE Projects of the 50 announced? 
The first 13 projects were announced on the 5th September 2021 and the next 13 were announced on 12th September 2021. 

2. What is the year 2021 called in UAE? 
Vision 2021 is a long-term plan that aims to make the UAE one of the best countries in the world by the year 2021.
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